WIN Awards Program

Sarah Ahmed

2022 WIN Emerging Leader finalist.

Sarah Ahmed

Sarah Ahmed

Lead Design Manager
Plan Group

2022 Emerging Leader Award Finalist

Sarah Ahmed is a bold, driven, and fearless leader here at Plan Group.

She graduated from the University of Waterloo with a degree in Electrical Engineering in 2012 and became proficient in Technology, Power Distribution and Building Design. She is also well versed in development of design, construction and commissioning; as well as electrical and communications design for mission critical facilities such as hospitals, data centres and water treatment plants.

She is currently the Lead Design Manager for the New St. Paul's Hospital project in Vancouver, BC, which is the largest P3 hospital redevelopment project in BC’s history ($2B). Since joining the Technology team at Plan Group she has quickly proven herself to her peers, her seniors, as well as her clients. Due to her tenacious drive and attention to detail she has quickly moved through the ranks in a matter of months since joining the team and has become one of the youngest design leads on the project, as well as the Plan Group.

Sarah is a dynamic leader, well-liked by her peers and has a demonstrated history of working to support young female professionals in the industry.