Laura Paul
Sustainability Analyst
Morrison Hershfield
Shortlisted 2016 WIN Emerging Leader nominee
Laura is a Professional Engineer who has been working in the design and construction of Infrastructure since 2008, specializing in Sustainable Building Construction. Her current role as a Sustainable Building Analyst with Morrison Hershfield involves working with design teams to integrate environmental sustainability into their respective designs. She has obtained multiple industry credentials including Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) - with specialties in New Construction, Existing Building Operations & Maintenance, as well as Neighbourhood Design. Laura’s passion for integrating environmental considerations into construction began while working as a Field Engineer, for PCL Construction, on the construction site of a LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) Gold Building. She then went on to work as an internal Sustainability specialist supporting PCL’s people, projects, and practices. In 2014 Laura was appointed as President of the Canada Green Building Council (CaGBC) Ottawa Region Chapter and has achieved a Carson Award for Community and Environmental Leadership and a National Leadership award from the CAGBC. Laura has a passion for supporting and connecting women in infrastructure and founded the SIB (Sustainability, Infrastructure, Business) Women’s Network. She received her Bachelor Degree in Civil Engineering at the University of New Brunswick and a Master’s in Business Administration from Telfer School of Management.